Thursday, March 20, 2008

big friday

It is Good Friday tomorrow, which is something to do with Jesus and Creme Eggs. Until this year it has never been a good Friday because I've always had to work it, so I'm particularly excited. Even more so on account of S's mum and dad and nanna gave me three (count 'em, THREE) Easter eggs.

Also, tomorrow is Big Friday because we are going to look at a house in Cookridge. For purchasing purposes, not just because we are nosy. I enjoy looking at houses with S, it is a bit new and exciting and not something I am used to.

I am also going for a run with Clare if it isn't snowing (which it's forecast to be). So secretly I hope we have two foot drifts that mean I can't even get out the door let alone run around Beckett's Park for forty minutes.

Let it snow, let it snow...

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