Wednesday, July 15, 2009

my new best

I heart Ruby Rouge Jewellery, yes yes. Thanks to the lovely Ruby Rouge Lady (and my pops) I own a beautiful necklace that looks all vintage-y and that, and now I have won a competition and will have another RRJ original. Total awesomeness.

I have lost another 7lb, although I haven't done much running on account of I got wasted with S and dislocated my kneecap while we were trying to climb out of a window onto a roof. Oops. I am having physio once a week and I didn't run the Race for Life! I did walk it though, and I raised £95, and I cried heaps because it was all very emotional and humbling and that. I also had a hangover thanks to this party what I went to...

Hayley and Maz

Keevy and me

Vivienne, a.k.a. Pie-man

This week I am mostly excited about the pretty necklace adventure, and also because next week I am going to Sweden with P what lives in Spain. And I might have a date tomorrow! Somehow it seems I pulled dressed up like a Bareback Horseriding Lady (see above) and a relatively hot friend of Keevy's got my number off me.

Dating etiquette is mucho confusing though. Watch this space.

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