Sunday, October 19, 2008

hallo ian

I am twenty eight years old now. My hilariously cute mother pointed out that I am now exactly half her age and wondered if that would ever happen again...? Bless. I spent my birthday in a happy fog of presents and good wishes and Steak 'n' Chicken Tuesdayness.

Number 13 De Lacy Mount will be hosting a Halloween party in a couple of weeks, and it's going to be ace. I hope. I have finally decided on a Cruella de Ville costume. S has been perfecting his face paint as Heath Ledger's Joker, and it's hilarious and scary all rolled into one. Ooh and we have a new housemate, called Ruth. She is lovely. She's the baby of the house. With the exception of Emma, our house is now full of women who are in semi-relationships.

S has moved into his new flat, above Clare's, and I've been spending most weekends here with him, apart from when I went home to cat-sit for a week and a half and S went to a stag weekend in Edinburgh for his friend James at work. He sent me a text in the middle of the night saying he missed me. Nothing's set in stone, and we haven't really discussed it, but I'm going to Mow Cop with him for his dad's birthday in a couple of weeks, and I can't stop smiling : )

By the way, the whole Fiona thing was explained and ok'd and I don't want to talk about it.

L asked S to be his best man, as he's getting married in a year. S said no. I'm proud of him.

I like Autumn.

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