Saturday, April 19, 2008


So we're not buying a house, is what's happening now. S has changed his mind. I'll be calling the estate agent tomorrow to withdraw our most recent offer.

I don't know what this means. I went for a long (by my standards) walk and thought about things a bit, but my thoughts just repeated themselves like when I read the same paragraph again and again and don't take any of it in. The main thought I had was 'I don't believe in soul mates anymore' and it made me sad, and I didn't know where it came from at first, but then I sort of worked it out. Here is the thought process I went through:

1) S doesn't want to buy a house
2) S doesn't want to buy a house with me
3) S doesn't think we have a future together
4) S doesn't love me
5) I'm pretty sure I love S
6) Ok, so we're not all over each other all the time and we don't shout about our relationship from the rooftops but who honestly feels like that anyway?
7) I think we both felt like that in our last relationships
8) Bollocks

And I bloody missed the end of Back To The Future for all that.

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