Saturday, August 28, 2010


Been a while hasn't it? Awk-ward...

Anyway. let's see. S and I are now living in lovely Chapel Allerton with the delightful Deeley (see below). We have settled in together nicely and plumped up substantially as a result. Consequently I am now attending a 'Healthy Lifestyle Class' put on by my GP at the request of the practice nurse, and have rejoined the gym at work. Although today I made a chocolate cake, which is definitely not conducive to weight loss.

Oh and I had a disaster with some hair bleach when I decided on a whim (with much egging-on by S) to go blonde, 'for a change'.

The length wasn't intentional. I had to have most of it chopped off thanks to the ridiculous amount of cheap Wilkinsons-bought hair bleach applied. Yes, I have learned my lesson, and no I shan't be doing that again. Never again will I say 'it's only hair!' in such a flippant, carefree manner.

Hooray for Holland and Barratt hair-growing tablets.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Three days after I emailed my dentist to say I was registering somewhere else I got the worst toothache I've ever had, which resulting in me taking 2 400mg ibuprofen rather than 1, on account of the pain addled my brain and I didn't check the packet, and then I slept for about three hours before watching Levi Roots's fancy new telly programme, which I really like because he says 'Lord ha' mercy!' all the time and the food looks tasty.

Tomorrow night I am driving back to the Shire for some catsitting. Meanwhile, on Saturday, S will be in Chester for L's stag do. I am trying not to think about it. La la la.

I actually cannot wait to be home. Here is what I will do as soon as I get in:
1) cuddle the cats, one by one
2) pour a glass of wine
3) get the chicken casserole, lovingly prepared by my mother, in t'oven
4) put my jammies on
5) check out the fillums on Sky Movies.

Home again, home again, jiggety jig.

Friday, August 14, 2009

in dreams

I have been having kerrazy dreams of late. Since I got back from Sweden, in fact. They range from:
1) Being stuck in a tent in the wilderness, Blair Witch styley
2) Being in a canoe
3) S and me breaking up
4) S and me being deliriously happy
5) Any mix of the above

And I am always tired when I wake up. S'not fair.

I am, however, chuffed, cos my gammy knee is pretty much fixed after a few visits to the physio and various stretches and that, and it's meant that I can go running again. There's nothing like listening to a bit of Jason Mraz (perfect for my running pace), getting some fresh air in your lungs and gradually turning your face purple with the effort.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

deux années

Sweden was:

tiring, beautiful, smelly, rainy, expensive, emotional, huge, warm, fun, awesome, itchy, confusing, delicious, and mostly, just generally awesome.

I met P in Stockholm, where we spent a day before setting off to Torsby, right near the Norwegian border, at half six the following morning. We then spent 4 days canoeing along the Rojdan, which was absolutely stunning. It was pretty damp, and I got bitten about a million times by mosquitos, and also we didn't get to wash for the entire time, but it was fantastic. We spent another couple of days in Stockholm and then I headed our separate ways. Best. Holiday. Ever. Fact.

Here are some photies:

The reason Sweden was confusing is because I spent some of the time discussing with P what wine to choose for my 3rd date with the party boy, on account of it was going to be my turn to cook tea for him, only to find out on my penultimate day there that S missed me and had stopped seeing the girl he'd been seeing because he couldn't stopped thinking about me. So two years after we initially embarked upon the most confusing and perplexing relationship in the history of Lucy or S, we seem to be back at the beginning again.

Hooray : )

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

my new best

I heart Ruby Rouge Jewellery, yes yes. Thanks to the lovely Ruby Rouge Lady (and my pops) I own a beautiful necklace that looks all vintage-y and that, and now I have won a competition and will have another RRJ original. Total awesomeness.

I have lost another 7lb, although I haven't done much running on account of I got wasted with S and dislocated my kneecap while we were trying to climb out of a window onto a roof. Oops. I am having physio once a week and I didn't run the Race for Life! I did walk it though, and I raised £95, and I cried heaps because it was all very emotional and humbling and that. I also had a hangover thanks to this party what I went to...

Hayley and Maz

Keevy and me

Vivienne, a.k.a. Pie-man

This week I am mostly excited about the pretty necklace adventure, and also because next week I am going to Sweden with P what lives in Spain. And I might have a date tomorrow! Somehow it seems I pulled dressed up like a Bareback Horseriding Lady (see above) and a relatively hot friend of Keevy's got my number off me.

Dating etiquette is mucho confusing though. Watch this space.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

so what's new?

Umm, lots? Well, I say lots, what I mean is a couple of things, namely that I got a new job as an auditor, which is awesome, and S and I broke up again, which is less than awesome but prolly just as sensible a move.

It was only a week or so ago so I'm still feeling all poopy. Don't make me talk about it, for I'm already listening to 'Only You' by Alison Moyet and it'll just push me over the edge.

So anyway, new job you say? Yes, it is truly brilliant, for the following reasons:
1) I get to be completely picky all the time
2) I work with proper grown ups
3) I got a payrise and a car allowance
4) I have made a lot of new friends

Also I got a bit fat at Christmas and so I've been going running every other day or so and I've lost 9lb since January. Which is actually about only halfway there now I think about it but shhh I like fitting into stuff. I'm doing the Race for Life for Cancer Research on 5th July and I want to be able to run the whole thing (ok so it's 5k but I've never run 5k in my life. I'm lazy, remember?).

Over and out.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

hallo ian

I am twenty eight years old now. My hilariously cute mother pointed out that I am now exactly half her age and wondered if that would ever happen again...? Bless. I spent my birthday in a happy fog of presents and good wishes and Steak 'n' Chicken Tuesdayness.

Number 13 De Lacy Mount will be hosting a Halloween party in a couple of weeks, and it's going to be ace. I hope. I have finally decided on a Cruella de Ville costume. S has been perfecting his face paint as Heath Ledger's Joker, and it's hilarious and scary all rolled into one. Ooh and we have a new housemate, called Ruth. She is lovely. She's the baby of the house. With the exception of Emma, our house is now full of women who are in semi-relationships.

S has moved into his new flat, above Clare's, and I've been spending most weekends here with him, apart from when I went home to cat-sit for a week and a half and S went to a stag weekend in Edinburgh for his friend James at work. He sent me a text in the middle of the night saying he missed me. Nothing's set in stone, and we haven't really discussed it, but I'm going to Mow Cop with him for his dad's birthday in a couple of weeks, and I can't stop smiling : )

By the way, the whole Fiona thing was explained and ok'd and I don't want to talk about it.

L asked S to be his best man, as he's getting married in a year. S said no. I'm proud of him.

I like Autumn.