Friday, August 14, 2009

in dreams

I have been having kerrazy dreams of late. Since I got back from Sweden, in fact. They range from:
1) Being stuck in a tent in the wilderness, Blair Witch styley
2) Being in a canoe
3) S and me breaking up
4) S and me being deliriously happy
5) Any mix of the above

And I am always tired when I wake up. S'not fair.

I am, however, chuffed, cos my gammy knee is pretty much fixed after a few visits to the physio and various stretches and that, and it's meant that I can go running again. There's nothing like listening to a bit of Jason Mraz (perfect for my running pace), getting some fresh air in your lungs and gradually turning your face purple with the effort.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

deux années

Sweden was:

tiring, beautiful, smelly, rainy, expensive, emotional, huge, warm, fun, awesome, itchy, confusing, delicious, and mostly, just generally awesome.

I met P in Stockholm, where we spent a day before setting off to Torsby, right near the Norwegian border, at half six the following morning. We then spent 4 days canoeing along the Rojdan, which was absolutely stunning. It was pretty damp, and I got bitten about a million times by mosquitos, and also we didn't get to wash for the entire time, but it was fantastic. We spent another couple of days in Stockholm and then I headed our separate ways. Best. Holiday. Ever. Fact.

Here are some photies:

The reason Sweden was confusing is because I spent some of the time discussing with P what wine to choose for my 3rd date with the party boy, on account of it was going to be my turn to cook tea for him, only to find out on my penultimate day there that S missed me and had stopped seeing the girl he'd been seeing because he couldn't stopped thinking about me. So two years after we initially embarked upon the most confusing and perplexing relationship in the history of Lucy or S, we seem to be back at the beginning again.

Hooray : )