Saturday, December 29, 2007

merry new year's eve eve eve

2008 is going to be way better than 2007, I guarantee it. I'm not planning on getting burgled, dumped or fat. I don't think I planned on any of that happening in 2007 either but this way I can actively try and avoid it all.

That said, the latter part of 2007 has been pretty sweet, what with bagging myself a hot, tasty specimen of a boyfriend who makes me giggle and smile all the time. And I got a new job, and a new place to live.

The order of events went like this...
January: live happily with then current boyfriend and his best friend
February: as above
March: as above
April: boyfriend's best friend gets dumped, house gets burgled, boyfriend thinks he is having a heart attack
May: go on holiday with boyfriend and think everything is rosy
June: get a new job, get dumped, get a new house
July: be a bit bewildered
August: ex-boyfriend is caught in flagrante delicto with his best friend's girlfriend, best friend dumps both, I get back in touch with best friend and consequently find out ex-boyfriend cheated on me with a fat lady, start seeing ex-boyfriend's best friend
September: ex-boyfriend's best friend becomes boyfriend...
October: turn twenty-seven (bleh)
November: fall in love with boyfriend
December: still in love with boyfriend

Bit of an eventful and Hollyoaks-esque one, all in all.

Going to make a pizza à la Clare. She has a tatty green school notebook full of delectable recipes. It's like finding treasure every time you look in it.

Merry Christmas.